Thursday, March 8, 2012
Sherrie Questioning All: Both Germany and Switzerland want their Gold Back from N.Y. Fed. The U.S. has gone to War over this type of thing. What will they do now, since there is no Gold?
Well, I believe things are getting more and more interesting.
Both Germany and Switzerland have come out saying they want their Gold back from storage at the N.Y. Fed.
Considering the U.S. went into Iraq over trading oil outside of the dollar, Libya for daring to talk about trading oil for a gold backed currency. Let's not forget Iran now wanting to trade oil for gold and by passing the dollar, so now the U.S. is ready to start a war there.
With Germany and Switzerland wanting their Gold back from the U.S., what is the U.S. going to do? They can't exactly invade those countries. So is their other option is to invade other countries around the world that have their own gold stored in the country to get enough to give Germany and Switzerland?
Swiss Initiative
We all know the Gold is not there and the U.S. would never just hand it over in the first place. Imagine in a few months how this may go down, would the truth be revealed to the public? Would Switzerland and Germany stand up and say: "The U.S. will not give us our own gold back, because they don't have it?"
Will this finally break the metals manipulation, once it is found there really isn't as much gold stored as previously thought?
One other question, How many other countries are now going to ask for their gold back from the U.S., now that Germany and Switzerland is standing up and asking for it?
Yep, life is getting more and more interesting. I think I am going to need popcorn for watching this situation going down. It will be better than any dramatic movie ever made.......