Topics in Order of Appearance
- Resignations and Arrests of high level banking individual and the reason for these people bowing out of such prestigious positions. Confirmation that Interpol is working to eliminate these financial terrorists.
- Why Dinar Gurus keep calling the RV
- Banking Delays caused by a major bank for not being compliant with Basal III regulations
- Prosperity Programs and World Global Settlement Distribution Intel
- Called asks question about the Galactic Federation of Light and their involvement
- Dinar Guru Okie talks about how some banking institutions are trying to steel money out of people accounts using hidden software and hackers... Bill Gates?
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I want to point out to people that just how far these Dinar Calls have come in respect to the type of intel that is now being furnished to the global dinar investor community. I have been listening to these calls for a couple of years now. I can tell you that none of the Dinar Gurus would ever go into topics such as arrests, high level banking crimes, prosperity programs, world global settlements, and world financial conspiracies. Most of these guys and gals are really just finding out how corrupt the entire political and financial system has been. Dinar Gurus used to be very conservative as to the information they released as known wanted to talk about global conspiracies but now I see a trend that most of them are understanding the Big Picture of what is taking place. Dinar investors are now being introduced to topics that are shattering their perception of reality and you will hear a caller ask a question about the extraterrestrial group called the Galactic Federation of Light. These callers are researching and starting to wake up to the massive control systems that are unraveling thanks to the internet and unfiltered information which is completely denied to us through main stream media and journalists. The Dinar community has come a long way from thinking that all of this is just a way to "get rich quick" and now to saying "there is a whole bigger picture that I never new existed". ~e