Saturday, March 31, 2012

Archangel Uriel: Earth Changes Will Not Be Cataclysmic

Archangel Uriel: Earth Changes Will Not Be Cataclysmic

2012 March 30
Posted by Graham Dewyea
During last night’s Heavenly Blessings show with Linda Dillon, Archangel Uriel, the Archangel which is the “bringer of the future,” and is assisting humanity with Ascension, indicated that while there will be some shifting with Gaia, the transition will not be cataclysmic. At 51.55 minutes. he says:

“The future is bright. … The transition is not to be feared. It is not catacysmic. And it most certainly is not Armageddon. It is not a pole shift. It is not oceans rising and drowning billions of people. It is not the sun falling out of the sky.

“It is a shift of dimensional reality. Yes, it is Gaia moving and each of you. There will be some shifting that Gaia does as she moves but it is not done in a way of cataclysm. And the reason it is not done in the way of cataclysm is because of all the healing, all the love that has been sent to this beautiful planet, this sentient being, this angel of Earth over many decades.

“What happened – humanity woke up.  So [are] there still pollution and things to be rectified?  Yes. But will it be done through devastation? No. And the reason being, it is not of love. We cannot create the new out of destruction. That is reflective of the old paradigms.  So the new emerges gently, sweetly and in love.

“If you are fearful, then go to where you feel safe because it is what calls you. And in all likelihood it is your new City of Light.  But do not move because you think that you are going to be at the mercy of Gaia. That simply is not so.” (14)

He also offers at 40.46 minutes a very inspiring vision of what the New Earth will look like, and “it is more glorious than you can imagine.”

We intend to have a transcript of the show soon and will repost this discussion when that arrives.