Monday, March 5, 2012

Alex Collier Interview March 3, 2012

Thanks to one of the readers for bringing this to our attention.......

Alex shares some insight into the coming financial and political changes and new updates from his recent telepathic communication from his E.T. Contacts from Andromeda.

I also want to let everyone know it is encouraged to share your knowledge and also any information or links you come by in your research/inner knowing. Please feel free to post in any comment section of the website. ~ e
Alex Collier Interview March 3, 2012

Saturday, March 3, 2012 at 1:21PM

Alex Collier interview with Shiny Demise Radio: The great deception now riffing through the internet about global financial reform. Collier says that Fulford and Wilcock info are sincere---BUT (and we have said this)---there is a whole other level of deception by the elites and the offworlders/Annunaki...

Download Alex Collier - 03-02-2012-Interview/Statement

Note: Alex mentions YouTube videos from Steve Quayle and Tom Horn in this interview. BE WISE: Quayle and Horn come from a level of internal deception as they hold to a literal, fundamentalist view of the Book of Revelation. As Alex points out, this is a collective meme implanted into the human collective conciousness for hundreds of years, and a self-fulfilling prophecy. Likewise, be very wary of channeled information coming from "galactic councils", "archangels" and offworld beings that are promoting a "new age" of liberation for humanity---this is all part of a huge web of deception!

Alex Collier is a contactee of the Andromedan Council, who have given him a great deal of information that can be viewed and assessed here: