Laura Tyco Allendale – 30 Jan 2012 – The Cabal is losing its Grip
Laura: Hello Allendale, I have felt that you had a message to communicate for us today, is this correct?
Allendale: Yes, that I do lassie. Right you are so, You would have noticed that all the giant steps taken in the shadow are now finally coming out into the open and into the mainstream media, yes? Well, David, my man is doing a great work, now that he knows a lot more about the on goings behind the scenes. His role has increased considerably into the world economic plans, and we will certainly hear a lot more from him and his work as time goes on. He is working on several projects at once, and as with all he does, he does it thoroughly. His tongue will be untied as we move on and as results of the collective work are coming more and more into the public eye.
The world governments are losing power worldwide, and nothing will stop the immense power within your hands, from making the changes needed. This will be however more than just a politico- economic revolution. The changes in your mentalities and understanding will also greatly expand. As we are closing this first month of the year, I am sure we would agree that January has been a month full of revelations and it has set the stage for things to come. The changes will yet be slow to manifest, but please always bear in mind that you are all co-creators and that the world that you embrace in the higher dimensions will soon come into being on your Mother Earth.
Now, on to the main course, shall we? February will have even more surprises in store for you, with our common friends or Earth’s Allies finally showing some tangible fruits for all of you to share. This may not be yet what the many have been waiting for fully, but the upcoming events, will leave very little doubt in people’s minds. Only the debunkers will continue to be sceptic by the end of February. Of course, many of the greater plans may also manifest end of February, beginning of March, but it is still too early to make a victorious decisive announcement for as long as the final agreements have not been signed. Once the final stages are planned by all acting parties, the movie will come to a few expected developments.
Tell, me my lads, do you ever get the shivers when you hear a person’s name, or when you see something relating to life in space? Do you really assume that all the preparation with UFO movies, documentaries is just for the show? No, it is not, I assure you of it. Let me tell you more on this one, if I may. The planned attempts for the fake alien invasion are still in the cabal’s books. However, as you all know, the cabal is breaking apart, their grip is loosening, and those who are able to pilot the fake UFO invasion are joining the White hats operations. Those supposed to run project blue beam and the likes are also having a change of heart, as they realise they too have been lied to by the cabal. These are intelligent people, who have been used and manipulated by the cabal for a very long time. However, now that the communication channel are open on that front, these educated being are quickly realising what is in the best interest of their own loved ones and they can see the change in power operate.
Keep us the good work ladies and gents. Allendale out.
Laura Tyco
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