Wednesday, January 25, 2012

Greg Giles: Message from Melina of the Ashtar Command 1/25/12

Message from Melina of the Ashtar Command 1/25/12

Hello, I am Melina, and I would like to share a few words with you through our channel Greg today. I am a female officer of the Ashtar Command. My command involves the procurement of space travel related equipment and supplies. These articles are necessary for certain types of our craft to travel through space. The supplies are shipped to awaiting frigates where I then command our ship to rendezvous with the frigate and transfer the goods to our ship’s storage holds. This equipment is vital to our mission and must be delivered at regularly scheduled intervals to allow us to maintain our ship and carry out our duties. 
I have been a member of the Ashtar Command for many eons, and I look so forward to meeting so many of our new recruits from your world. We are very excited to finally meet so many of our human family face-to-face, and we are in our final stages of preparations for this historic meeting. Many of you have clearly demonstrated your ability to accept us and your willingness to work with us in a mutually beneficial cooperation. Through your example, we are confident so many more of your planetary brothers and sisters will begin to accept us, and even begin to work with us either directly or indirectly in the days ahead.
This is the plan, to meet with a select number of you while these meetings are recorded and shared to the rest of your world through your media outlets that are, or will be, willing to work with us. We understand how much competition is involved with your media outlets, and we feel the news of our presence coupled with film footage of us working with many of you will garner much attention and viewership for those outlets that choose to cover these many events. We will allow those media companies access to our ships, and they may film our operations inside some of our many crafts and even take flight with us as we travel through your world and even out of your world into space. We feel many of your planet will be very interested in this coverage, and we feel the edge in competition gained by the media companies who choose to cover and truthfully report our presence and our mission here will persuade many other media outlets who will remain reluctant for a time to begin their coverage of this historic cooperation as well.
We look so forward to this day, and we fully understand many of our Lightworkers are growing impatient with the progress of our joint mission. We say to you that from our vantage point events are transpiring smoothly and efficiently, and much is being accomplished on an almost daily basis. There are rarely any days that do not see much progress, and some of the obstacles that are removed are quite large and cause for much celebration in and of themselves. We, of course, wait only to celebrate with you, our brothers and sisters, and this celebration will take place and all that has been assured will be yours. Remain ever faithful. Remain ever vigilant. Continue in your service to others and your mission. You all are doing an incredible job, and we, the men and women of the Ashtar Command, are truly amazed at the tremendous strides you are all making. You are truly changing your world, and we see the advancements your efforts are creating each and every day. Seeing the progress you are making warms our hearts, and we wish you to know that soon all your efforts will pay off in the most spectacular of ways.
I am Melina, an officer of the Ashtar Command, and it has been a pleasure to speak with you today. Soon, we will have the opportunity to speak in person and work together on a more personal level. Until then, be well, and remain true to your mission.

As channeled through Greg Giles