Written by David Wilcock Sunday, 18 December 2011 07:33

This is the big one... over two million tons of gold secretly confiscated by the Federal Reserve to create "bubble money", and the lawsuit that could bring the whole global conspiracy crashing down.
First of all, I want to thank you for giving this your serious consideration. Nothing I've ever written before has gotten me a death threat -- and though I consider myself a strong person, I was quite disturbed by it.
I sprung into immediate action to insure this electrifying story went as far as wide as possible -- in case anything happened to me.
We now have multiple, powerful insider groups pledging to protect me -- and the story has spread so quickly through the Internet that I believe its publicity is its greatest protection.
As I prepare to post this section, we've already had over 400,000 hits, 1000 written comments and 21,000 Facebook Likes on Part One in less than six days.
Tens of thousands of people are writing about this on their own websites, and the growth rate is at least geometric, if not logarithmic at this point.
It was 3:30 PM on Wednesday, December 14th, 2011 when I found out I might be tortured to death for writing "The Trillion-Dollar Lawsuit That Could End Financial Tyranny."
I was told I should get Part Two out that night for my own protection, as this was the most sensitive, jealously-guarded secret of all -- and tomorrow may be too late.
I moved very quickly to protect myself once this call came in, immediately publishing "death threat" updates to my article, which was already extremely popular.
Kerry Cassidy suddenly called me and told me she was going on
the radio in 20 minutes and recommended I join her. I ran into the shower and started the show immediately after I dried off in a hurry.
Our outdoor heat pump was dying after 23 years of service, so the room was disturbingly cold. All the lights would noticeably dim for three seconds every minute or two as I heard the compressor struggle in vain to kick on.
I had no idea how long the power would stay on or how much I would be able to get out on the air.
I'd barely had time to think about how horrible it would be to die of torture. It all hit me while I was on the show. From what you've been telling me in your letters, hardly anyone can listen to this show without crying.
Our heat pump wasn't the only equipment that nearly died of exhaustion during this broadcast. We literally collapsed American Freedom Radio's streaming audio server for the first time in their entire history -- due to unprecedented demand.
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