Friday, December 9, 2011

Regime Change In USA Is Near

Pentagon now working in active coordination with American patriot militias and intelligence agencies to achieve orderly regime change in US

The desperation of the old Skull and Bones syndicate enmeshed in the Constitutionally illegal Washington DC private corporation became visible at the end of November 2011.

In political wheeling and dealing on Capitol Hill on Tuesday 29th November, an amendment (SA-1107) to The National Defense Authorization Act (S-1867), sponsored by Senator Mark Udall (Colorado - Democrat), was voted down by sixty US Senators. The purpose of the amendment was to change the wording in a section of S-1867 sponsored by John McCain and Carl Levin called Subtitle D of Title X (Detainee matters).

Mark Udall's amendment would have introduced a rubric prohibiting the inclusion of American citizens living on American soil from being eligible for inclusion on US military roundup and abduction lists.

The current version of the bill now being debated will allow any "suspicious" person chosen by a secret panel authorized by the US President, to be arrested extrajudicially by US military personnel, taken to Guantanamo Bay (or any other offshore military installation), interrogated and detained indefinitely without due process of law.

Many of the American patriot militias which have been organising locally since the passage of the disastrous Patriot Act of 2001, are supported and trained by US military veterans, and some number in the tens of thousands. The Pentagon and the US intelligence agencies, which now seek the abolition of the Washington DC private corporation and the return to American Constitutional governance, are working closely with the militias to achieve US régime change peacefully through legal channels.