Wednesday, December 7, 2011

Kauilapele Response to The Recent Update From Sheldan Nidle about the Light Chambers

 I am very proud of Kauilapele for bringing this up with his audience.  If you don't already know, the Galactic Federation of Light and the Ascended Masters have been trying to persuade and convince humanity that in order to Ascend into the higher dimensions and to reach a higher state of consciousness we would need to use their technology.  The technology is called "Light Chambers" . This technology will change the DNA patterns of the person and allow us to achieve Ascension.

Many people are questioning this technology oriented Ascension process.  Is it not more appealing to our inner soul to say that the Ascension process is a natural and organic event?  Our light bodies here in 3D/4D will be transmuted along with Mother Earths into 5D since humanity has a direct and personal relationship with Mother Earth.

Who really wants to hand over their power to other beings and a piece of 4D technology?  Why give control over to something and someone else? I want to feel in control of my Ascension and not something that is external from my inner self.  Some new age groups seem to blindly follow what they are told, is this not the same as the religious control structures on 3D earth? Giving your Divine power away to other beings in order to be 'saved'.

Please remember that all technology happens in the lower domains of this Universe. Once you become a 5th dimensional light body, you will no longer need external light constructs to solve your problems.  The infinite power within you is all that is needed to overcome any obstacle.



Kauilapele Response to The Recent Update From Sheldan Nidle about the Light Chambers

Similar to other reports, including previous Nidles, it appears the dark is in its last throes and we are indeed close to major changes. Overall a positive report.

However, I am personally not “feeling it” when he talks of “Light Chambers.” He says, “…we have perfected a Light chamber for each of you, which deftly turns back on, or off, those elements that will reopen your channel to full consciousness.” That may very well be true, but somehow this idea of “chambers”, reminds me of the divers’ decompression chambers. Maybe that’s what it would be like.

But from my view, and Higher Sight, I feel that we are already in a massive Light Chamber, right here, right now. All these energies coming in, more and more, galactic, solar, Higher D, all that. We are totally immersed in them whether we were to step into any Agarthan “Light Chamber”. Sorry, but I don’t buy that part of this (and other) Nidle message.