Thursday, December 8, 2011

Former Chinese Government Official: ETs Walk Among Us

  Former Chinese Government Official: ETs Walk Among Us
A former Chinese official has come forward to reveal new evidence that extraterrestrials walk amongst the peoples of Earth. These beings are everywherefrom lowly factory workers to the highest echelons of industry and government.
Sun's drawings of ETs that appear as humans []
Sun Shili, a former Chinese official, has come forward to reveal knowledge that extraterrestrials are on Earth. He asserts the ETs can be found everywherefrom lowliest factory worker and farmer to the highest positions of industry and government.
And the Chinese people are listening.
The mysterious Xianyang Pyramid complex thought to be ancient ET base
Chinese culture more open to idea of ET races
The aging authoritarians that ran China from their seat of power in old Peking under Mao are all gone. The new China is much more open to the evidence of ETs in their culture and history.
A government-financed team is even now exploring a mysterious pyramid some researchers claim is an ancient, gigantic alien base. [Before It's News: Alien Base Found At Chinese Pyramid]
Aerial view of Xianyang Pyramid complex revealing flat landing platform
But some of the power structure controlling China still carries vestiges of the bad old regime. Those elements fight against freedom of information, the Internet and even the freedom of private text messaging.
Yet those powers are being distracted as China's economy is floundering and most of their time and energy is now spent on the growing problem of supporting a slumping economic system.
With China's emerging economic woes the leaders' main worry is forestalling potential civil unrest: millions of poor Chinese from the rural areas continue to flood industrialized cities seeking jobsjobs that are drying up.
Because China is in a state of fluxboth politically and economicallydecades-old restrictions designed to muzzle people like Sun Shili have loosened. And as China's grip eases, truth, in all its facets, begins to shine through like sunlight peeking through turbulent storm clouds.
Like the truth about UFOs, extraterrestrials, and strange paranormal visitations.
Over the past two decades, UFO and paranormal investigatory organizations have sprung up in China like proverbial flowers after a rare desert downpour. The Chinese people accept the mysterious with open arms. They've always been interested in the odd, the bizarre, the unexplainable. Their ancient literature and textssome of the oldest in the world outside the ancient writings of Sumeria and Tibetare crammed with accounts of otherworldly visitors, amazing encounters with ETs and strange visitors suddenly appearing in remote Chinese villages.
An ancient scroll shows two beings in a craft flying over the clouds
The growth of these organizations is almost exponential, perhaps that's not too surprising in a country with a population exceeding 1.3 billion people.
The Occidental versus Oriental approach
Today, China has more UFO organizations supported by real scientific organizations, universities and the general community, than any other nation on Earth.
Many of the organizations are now funded by the government that once suppressed them. Almost all fall under the banneror are associated withthe National Society of Extraterrestrial Studies (NASETS).
Directly supported and funded by the government, NASETS is something Chairman Mao would have frowned upon in his day.
The organization's the exclusive domain of accredited engineers and scientists and one-third of NASETS members are also government employees. The rest hail from universities or industrial research centers.
8-17-06: UFO hovers above Shanghai apartments []
Members must also hold Ph.D.s in their scientific or engineering field and have at least several peer-reviewed studies published about Unidentified Flying Objects or extraterrestrials.
UFO with lights on hovers above the building []
Compare that approach to the subterfuge and misinformation the military-industrial-government complex in America and other Western countries regularly foist upon their hapless citizens.
Among the hundreds of accredited scientists working with NASETS, Sun Shili is one that promotes the idea that extraterrestrials are living and working among humans right now.
A retired foreign ministry official, Sun currently heads the respected Beijing UFO Research Society, a duly related arm of the all-encompassing NASETS.
Craft's lights flare up before UFO shoots away []
Close encounter changes Sun's perspective on reality