Friday, December 23, 2011
Drunvalo Melchizedek - Mayan End Time prophecies: 2007 - Jan. 1, 2016
This was uploaded on December 20th , so it is fairly recent. Alfred Webre interviews Drunvalo Melchizedek for about 1 hour. The first 5 minutes Drunvalo shares with the audience that something huge on a global scale MAY take place within 10 days. The whole world will be aware of this huge event! He also talks a lot about the Mayan Elders and their perspective on the coming changes next year. The Elders have a positive outlook and see a transition from a male dominated energy field to a female oriented energy cycle. It seems that the Mayan Elders that Drunvalo talks with are also ready to disclose everything they know next year and not hide some of the secret teachings that they have held back from the public for such a long time. The interview was good but I mentioned the best points above to save you time. e~