Andromeda Council: Role of male "star" in inseminating female Gaia to birth 4th dimensional Earth
By Alfred Lambremont Webre, JD, MEd
ED. NOTE: CAVEAT LECTOR - The opinions expressed in this article by interviewees are solely those of the interviewees and do not necessarily reflect the opinions of this reporter or Thank you.
In an exclusive ExopoliticsTV interview released Dec. 23, 2011, the human representative of the Andromeda Council revealed reported cosmic astronomical processes relating to the sudden explosion of Comet 17P Holmes in our solar system on October 24, 2007, when the comet became the largest object in our solar system with a diameter of 870,000 miles making it the larger than the sun.
According to a statement (below) by Tolec, a spokesperson for the reported Andromeda Council, “the comet came from, was 'ejected' if you will, from the central core of our universe and was purposefully sent toward us to this specific area of space... to directly participate & progress our transformation into becoming a 4th dimensional world. It’s a key part of our planned celestial transformation, upgrade & evolution.
“Why is it relevant now, at this moment in time, as Drunvalo Melchizedek reported in your interview with him:
“Because… as our solar system & planet Earth have finally crossed the galactic equatorial plane region of the Milky Way Galaxy - during this current phase of our own transformation - the plasma core of the Earth is now vibrating and emanating at a progressively greater rate of 4th dimensional energy. In a manner of speaking, planet Earth, she, has matured to the point where she is vibrationally ready in preparation to give birth... to her new 4th dimensional self.
“And, therefore planet Earth, as a female cosmic body with its newer, progressively greater level of 4th dimensional energy emanating from her - from Earth's core - she is finally ready to be 'fertilized', and is attracting, pulling, drawing to her... the transformative cosmic 4th dimensional vibratory 'male' energy from the new crystal blue star (that was comet Holmes).”
Andromeda Council
The Andromeda Council is a reported inter-galactic governance council of the Andromeda and Milky Way galaxies, composed of selected star system representatives that carry out governance and development functions in this populated and organized inter-galactic jurisdiction.
For complete information on the Andromeda Council, please see:
Watch ExopoliticsTV interview on Comet 17P Holmes
Readers can watch the ExopoliticsTV interview embedded in the article above or at the URL below.