We have heard it a million times before. Poofness and dozens of Dinar Gurus saying the currency revaluations are imminent. Is it really here? Remember this is not about the Dinar Revaluing, it is about the collapse of the Illuminati Financial Empire and the implementation of a fair financial system. The whole world economic system is about to be rebooted. This new financial system will then be online for a few years at best and be slowly phased out. New energy, medical, transportation, food, communication technologies introduced by the Galactic Federation of Light will eliminate all corporate entities and financial transactions. Technologies are still 4th dimensional constructs. If you are a soul ascending to the higher dimensions or 5D Earth then you will surpass the use of all technologies that are introduced on 4D earth. Stay Tuned to Find out! e~
[DebTarHeelGirl] REVISED - ScottiG had a 30 min call on intel and finances!!! EVENSTAR - Scotti just got a call from his contact JUST NOW at the end of his call that exchanges foreign currencies for the last 30 years and he says he would bet all his money. that we would see this RV tomorrow = this contact is at this moment expecting the screens to go nuts!!!!