I cannot confirm anything that Brokenwrench posts but I can confirm that other Intel providers are saying similar things about Kuwait holding up the revaluation of the Dinar. In my opinion this is not the case for which the Dinar Revaluation is on hold. If you have been following this whole thing you will know that new asset backed financial system will go online when most of the Dark Cabal has been sequestered and arrested. This process of arrest is still taking place as reported by the GFL through Sheldan Nidle on 9/27.
Most Dinar Investors, CMKX Shareholders, and Prosperity Programs Recipients are not aware of why everything has been delayed month after month. All these financial programs are tied to currency of this new financial system and not the old one in which the Federal Reserve and its fiat money /fractional banking system are controlling. Most of these recipients do not want to believe there is a correlation between any of these investments and especially the connection with the extra terrestrial group known as the Galactic Federation of Light.
BrokenWrench Intel Update for September 28, 2011
"We have heard that it was Kuwait that has held things
up, but that has been resolved. They say it will be in the
banks between today and tomorrow, and delivery of the
FIP starting tomorrow. (Re: Chapter 7) They are entirely out of the UN as of
last Friday."
brokenwrench: US banks will probably start cashing out on friday